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One year ago today...

30 July 2009

Oh, oops! I was going to say one year ago today I started this blog, but when I went back to link to my first post I discovered that I actually started one year ago yesterday. I missed my own blogiversary!

Let's start again... one year and one day ago I started this blog and I have to admit that I felt quite intimidated by it. I am such a visual person that the idea of writing a blog (i.e. putting words together) still gives me stage fright at times. But a year on I couldn't imagine not blogging. Well that's not entirely correct, I can imagine all the extra time that I'd have if I didn't blog every day.

So here I am, one year and 427 posts down the track.

I want to have a bit of a celebration with presents for you, my lovely friends, because your comments make blogging worthwhile and a whole lot more meaningful for me. I really appreciate every one of you who takes the time to write a comment, and I value the friendships I've made through my blog and through the blogs that I read. I think there's the most wonderful feeling of community in this little bloggy world we've created.

I'm still working out the presents/giveaway, and because things are a bit full on for me at the moment I've decided that I'll announce it on my one year + one month + one week + one day blogiversary. So stay tuned...

I've put so much into my little blog over the last year an it seems like a shame that over 400 of my posts will probably never be read again. So a couple of times a week from now on I might link back to some of my favourite posts. It will be fun for me to be reminded of the things I've found and loved and hopefully you'll enjoy it too.

Thank you again for stopping by. Big thanks to my loyal blog friends for sticking around and if you've just found me, welcome! I hope you keep visiting and please don't be shy, post a comment!