I owe you, all my lovely readers, a very big thank you. I've had such a great time here on my blog this year and I really do appreciate all your comments, ideas, encouragement and friendship. Thanks for making it fun and interesting for me. Thanks to those of you who've introduced yourselves to me at the markets - it's been lovely to meet you and to have a chat in person. I'm still so flattered to think that you're out there reading along. I know there are many of you who drop in here without leaving a comment - and that's OK too ;0 - my little blog recently hit a new high of over 5,000 visitors in one day. So I know you're out there!
By way of thanks this is my biggest giveaway to date. There will be 6 winners who will each be able to choose which prize they'd like. Each prize is valued between $35 and $40.

(probably called Sweetie Beans, but possibly Cuddle Bundles).
Winner to choose one.

Fabric panel only, not the cushion.
Plus one Sweetie Petite kit of your choice.
The way things are going here I may not get to post the prizes off before Christmas - it will probably be more like the week after.