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Monday BlogDay :: 52 Suburbs

16 November 2009

Louise Hawson's wonderful blog 52 Suburbs follows her discovery, or rediscovery, of a Sydney suburb a week. Louise documents her weekend journeys with stunning photography.

Louise says:
I've lived in Sydney for over 30 years but I've never set foot in most of its 637 suburbs. Time to dust off the street directory, grab my camera and venture out into the great unknown. My plan? To nose around one new suburb every week for a year, in search of the beauty in the 'burb. Care to join me?

Yes please!

I love Louise's photography and I really enjoy seeing suburbs I know and love as well as the ones I've never been to. I know you'll enjoy 52 Suburbs whether you live here, have ever visited, or are a complete stranger to Sydney - go on over and have a look around.

Good news is that Louise has an Etsy shop in the making too.