Roxy was given the most breathtakingly beautiful book for her birthday, called The Water Babies. This 2008 publication is a contemporary retelling of the original children's story by Charles Kingsley which was first published in 1863.
As chance has it I have a mid-century edition of the book in my collection of vintage children's books. The book doesn't have a publication date, but the inside cover has a February 1955 inscription on it. The story is retold by Arthur Groom and illustrated by Waring.I have to admit that I haven't attempted to read either of the copies of the book - for now I can't get past the beautiful visuals.
The 2008 Water Babies book is visually stunning with magical underwater photography by Zena Holloway, complimented and enhanced by the detailed illustrations of Heidi Taylor and gorgeous typography.Enraptured with Zena Holloway's dream-like underwater photos, I went looking for more about her and found her website. Zena's gallery of images shows her editorial and advertising portfolio as well as her Water Babies work.
Visit Zena Holloway's website here - if you're not already gob smacked by the beauty of her work you will be when you see the detail and intensity of colour in the enlarged images on her site.
You can find the official Water Babies' site here, where you can buy Zena's limited edition prints.
All book images taken by me from personal copies of
The Water Babies books.
All other images from Zena Holloway.