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I *Heart* Fridays: I *Heart* My iPhone

19 December 2008

Christmas came early this week when my mobile phone carrier offered me an iPhone on a cheaper monthly plan than I was on previously, and with more free calls included. I have been lusting after an iPhone since they were released here mid-year, but had filed the idea under 'things I love, but can't afford'.
I *heart* my iphone! It's soo beautifully designed and the apple functionality and user interface are brilliant. It's a designer's dream... well, my dream at least!

I hate that having a mobile phone means I can be contacted by anyone, anytime and that still holds true, so I'm not intending to be checking my emails every minute of the day while I'm out either. But it's good to know that when I'm away from home for an extended period I do have that option.

I never carry a diary around with me, which can at times be a bit of a pain when trying to plan things. Now I can sync my calendar from my Mac at home with my phone. I love my desk diary and nothing electronic will ever replace writing in it, but I will use the ical on my Mac and iPhone for meetings and appointments. My many 'to do' lists, as well as all meetings etc, will still remain as handwritten entries in my diary.

I downloaded my funky 'big love' wallpaper from... somewhere, and I can't find the link anymore! if you know the source please let me now and I'll credit it here. And these other fab wallpapers are from the fantastic collection at Poolga, here.

"Happy Friday!" she said, iPhone in hand.
