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An apology. An explanation. New things.

06 November 2011

So you may have noticed that it's been a bit quiet here over the past month or so. The dust has accumulated and the cobwebs have appeared. I'm sorry to just up and leave like that. Things have been tricky on the personal front and I haven't had the time or the inclination to be here.

Our house went on the market this week and I've been busy preparing for that (with a very short lead time), as well as being distracted with personal things that needed my attention and energy. I'm very sad to be leaving our lovely home, but I do always welcome change and I'm looking forward to a new start, clearing out the house, as well as my head and emotions, and starting a new chapter in my life. Bring it on I say!

I've had a few new products in the works for some time, and I'm hoping to have one ready and in my shop this week, and another next week. The new pattern kits will make great Christmas gifts for crafty friends, and there's still time before Christmas day for you to get stuck in and get sewing them yourself.

Here's a little peek of one of the new pattern kits...

I hope you're still here reading and haven't given up on me. I know you understand that sometimes life gets in the way. I hope all is well in your world.
