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Gifted :: 6 weeks 'til Christmas. Eeek!

10 November 2010

It's been a while... sorry to go AWOL on you like that. Things are as under control as they're going to get given that the countdown to Christmas and year end is on. And I've missed being here. I have so many things that I've been wanting to blog about too.

So this morning Roxy had my diary out counting down the weeks until her January birthday and I realised that it's only 6 weeks until Christmas. How did that happen?! Have you started any prep for the holiday season? That's not me you hear saying 'yes'.  Although we did do a bit of Christmas shopping in Shanghai last month, so I'm not as behind as I could be.

I've got some Christmas craft tutorials planned... but that's all they have been for weeks now, just plans. Stay tuned next week when hopefully I'll be ready to post them here. I'm counting on you being as unprepared as I am, and willing to take on somewhat last minute decorating ideas!

Which brings me to Gifted. Have you seen it? Ez from the fab blog Creature Comforts has launched this inspirational e-zine,. Collaborating with bloggers, artists and designers she has created a wonderful resource for Christmas shopping and crafting.

Read more about Gifted here, and then have a flick through the virtual pages. It's chock full of festive goodness including cute gift tag downloads.