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Proud Mama Moment

10 February 2010

Roxy made me this gorgeous welcome home present after I'd been in Melbourne for a few days at the end of last year - which was only the second time ever that I'd been away anywhere without her. She drew and cut out the Mama and Baby bunnies (which she said are her and I), and we framed them together. I think they're so adorable and love them as much as anything else I've ever been given. It's usually those unexpected gifts that are the best - especially when they're handmade with love. And from your child!

And if you can indulge me in another proud Mama moment, I just have to share this... during the holidays Roxy made a Sweetie Petite for the first time entirely on her own. (Although I did press the peddle on the sewing machine so she didn't get too speedy.) Can you see the teeny tiny ever-so-neat hand stitches along the bottom?! Yes, my Miss Six is a perfectionist neat freak just like her mother!