Tonight I'm off to The Finders Keepers Markets. We are having an informal Brown Owls meet up, and two of our Owls, Amy and Michelle, will be selling their handmade wares there. I'm really looking forward to seeing all the wonderful local talent.
Then, tomorrow morning, at the crack of dawn - or so it seems - I'm off to Tokyo. By myself. For 8 days. Woooohoooo!

Image Source: 1964 McCall's pattern book
My week will start with what will definitely be a highlight: Design Festa. We went last year and it was amazing, you can see my photos and read about it here.
Then I'll be visiting galleries and shopping for art and craft supplies, books, zakka and generally being overawed by the incredible Japanese design sensibility. And I'll be waking up when I want to, not to my usual alarm clock which is Roxy saying 'muuuummm, let's get uuuupp!' before the sun is even up. This will be my first time away from Roxy so of course I am feeling very torn about it. But I know she and her Dad will be fine.
I had good intentions of writing blog posts in advance for you for next week, but as usual, work and life got in the way and, well, they didn't get done. I won't be blogging from Japan, but I intend to show you pictures and talk about it - a lot - when I get back. I'm thinking of posting a day-by-day journal of my trip. You'll probably have to tell me to stop! I'll also have a few giveaways of some of the fun kawaii things I find.
So I'm signing off now - I have such a long list of things that I need to do and organise before I leave. I be back here on Monday 25th May. See you then.
Have a great week!
Oh, you can read a little bit about my trip to Japan and purchases last year by clicking here.