Apologies for the late post today. Like so many others it seems, I am feeling quite flat. There is so much sadness, uncertainty and 'stuff' going on on every level at the moment: personally, locally, nationally and globally. I'm finding it hard to find motivation and my spark.
So in times like these I look externally to find that push I need to get out of my doldrums. One of the places I have been visiting regularly since I stumbled upon it early in the new year is Diary of a Self Portrait. This is the inspirational blog of artist Jessie Marianiello of Stray Dog Arts and Patch of Sky.
This is a small example of Jessie's writing that speaks to me (it was hard to choose something, because everything seems to resonate with me!):
What if we really, truly believed in ourselves? What if we actually did all the things that we are pulled to do? What if we let inspiration lead us in whatever direction it might take us--however unexpected?
Today I can feel my heart. And, even better, I can feel what it wants from me.
Jessie recently started her Word of the Day project: "living life one word at a time". She chooses a word for the day and dedicates living that day through the word. I really like that idea as a way to focus on life, creativity, destiny, or whatever suits you on the day. Diary of a Self Portrait has links to other inspirational women's work and blogs, quotes, and wonderful motivation and insights from Jessie herself.
I came upon Diary of a Self Portrait when Jessie had just written about her 'Mondo Beyondo' list for 2009 (photo below) and she reflected upon the list she made for 2008. I have made my own Mondo Beyondo list and I am really excited about it. Maybe you could give it a go too?Jessie appears to be an ordinary woman (albeit a very talented artist) - just like you and I - who is on a wonderful journey in her daily life... and I love reading about it and being motivated, inspired and changed by all she generously gives of herself to her readers.
Monday BlogDay
16 February 2009
Image Source: Jessie Marianiello