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T2 and tea too

06 November 2008

I felt like a tourist doing it, but I had to take a snap of this wonderful T2 shopfront at my local shopping centre.

T2 also boasts a very stylish interior with dark timber fittings and asian newspapers as wallpaper. The staff are friendly and helpful and very knowledgeable, and there are a lot of teas on offer for tasting as well as every tea accessory you could imagine. Visit the T2 website here for more info, store locations and online shop.

I'm not a fan of black tea, but love all the other varieties. Some of my favourite teas from T2 are:
Buddha's Tears, made from green tea and Jasmine flowers rolled into small balls. When you pour water over the 'tears' they gently blossom and the fragrant flowers float in your cup.
T2 Organic Peppermint is naturally sweet and delicious.
Creme Brulee - a dessert substitute, it's so sweet and yummy.
Sencha Mango made from green tea and mango pieces.
Turkish Apple Tisane - fruity and refreshing (but it has LOTS of sugar in it).
They're also delicious and refreshing when made into big jugs of iced tea.
Once you start it's hard to stop!

This tea website has lots of recipes using tea as an ingredient. If you're feeling adventurous you could try making Noodles with Jasmine Green Tea Broth, Lavender Ice Cream, or Honey Garlic Green Tea Shrimp.
