I get so much pleasure out of doing creative things with Roxy. Before I was a mum I used to sometimes babysit friends' children during the school holidays, and I'd always have crafting days planned. Now I love spending time at Roxy's pre-school doing craft activities with the children. Kids love creating things and it's a wonderful way to interact, connect and bond with them. Mastering a new skill or showing off something they've made gives them immense satisfaction, pride and confidence. As an adult the satisfaction comes from giving them the encouragement and the means to achieve that. You don't have to teach children, they are all creative. And it doesn't really matter what is made, the joy is in engaging the imagination and the visual expression of it. The joy is in the act of creating.
Roxy has been very keen for me to teach her how to sew because she has always watched me doing it. So this week she cut out some felt hearts for her first sewing project. She chose the felt and embroidery thread colours and decided what she wanted to make. Hearts are big in her world at the moment and she's very adept at cutting them out because she's been practicing for a long time with paper hearts while watching me make Heart Boxes!
I tied a knot in the end of the thread and made the first stitch for her and she was off. Roxy patiently and carefully stitched around her hearts and was thrilled beyond belief at her ability to sew. And now she's hooked... as I type she's pulling at my arm saying "come on mum, let's sew!". You don't need to give your kids plastic toys with all the bells and whistles. The simple things they make themselves or you make with them are far more satisfying on every level.